Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Have I mentioned my MS is on sub? I have? Three times? Sorry. The thought takes up quite a bit of brain space. It's distracting.

I have been working my way through a new stack of bedside table books. Each one edited by a woman who has Prairie Gothic in her hands (or her in-box). So far I have to say that agent extraordinaire is a genius. The books are well-written engaging stories. They too are distractions.

Also, I have discovered Twitter. Well, not exactly discovered it - more like I actually downloaded the app to the trusty Blackberry and started following my favorite authors. Would it count as stalking if I started following editors???

Finally, Cassandra Clare's new book is sitting on the beside table BEGGING to be read.

With all these distractions you may well ask about my WIP? The word count exceeds 20,000 and that is with some serious deleting. I am going to channel Lawrence Block and start adding to that count daily (just not 1,250 words).


  1. Hope the book is progressing steadily, Julie.

  2. Thank you. Slow and steady wins the race. Or at least that's what I keep telling myself.
